1 Comment

I appreciate your thoughts and comments shared in this edition. The following comments are for your consideration.

1. Political violence & double standards.

Concur. My experience is most people expect law and order to be meted out equally. People also tend to easily see through double standards. In addition, the American culture will tolerate a certain amount of “mild” violence if it is justified. Unfortunately, the widespread violence in the summer of 2020, etc. was excessive to say the least. Plus, the reasons provided for the continued widespread violence including the condoning of it by the political class is taking it’s toll on the voters. In fact, it is those voters who are motivated to show up in the next election. You may or may not have heard it here first, but I am placing my bet the Democratic record-setting political losses in November will be close to or exceed a 100 seat swing in the House of Representatives. (As always, time will tell.)

2. Inflation & the economy.

Concur. I stand by the comments I shared a year ago in my response to your post, Inflation: Tiger by the Tail.

3. Transitions.

I can relate in most ways, but not in all ways. Enjoy the journey and do your best to maintain your sanity. It gets better, but not always easier.


— Duane

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